Great Times In The Motor Industry
Relaunch of the PDMCLARK Blog
Apart from the easy to navigate new look, we are making a few other changes. We are expanding the activity and will start this off by launching two stories covering the Firenza Can Am, the first of which deals with the rather disappointing road test of the car in Technicar magazine published in 1973. The second and leading from that, our first ‘pay for’ piece, the 25 page story covering the Real Development history of the Can Am by GMSA Engineering.
Up to now the blog has relied on available time and resources to generate the writings. External commitments have slowed things dramatically, however, we now have capacity to publish regularly and interact effectively and in real time on the site. On the question of paid articles we reached that point in the development of this site where resources are needed to give the kind of service that you our readers deserve.
The majority of articles will remain as free issue, we will seek to recoup costs on major articles only and sincerely hope readers will see this as a positive towards improving both the content and frequency of writings.
Get your motor running…
Tuning The GM Little Block | PART 1
The Firenza V8 Can Am Road Test
The Real Story About How A Road Test Mislead
The Blydenstein Project | Part Three
Finding The Power